Saturday 31 March 2012

The Non-Ugly Duckling.

Ben has posted a few early scenes on a special production page on facebook that solely me and him can communicate on. He's following my story boards to assemble the rough cut and is posting the scenes individually on the page so I can prepare notes before the edit sessions. Here's a screen grab of his process and my notes on the opening scenes.

I'm very lucky to have Ben in my group. I tell him what I would like, what my vision is, and he does his best to transfer the rushes into it. I definitely view the upcoming edit days as a collaboration between us. I'm in no way comparing myself to Spielburg or Coppola when I say I intend to get deeply involved with the edit. I'm hopping Pintoff was right in suggesting "a hopelessly flawed shoot can sometimes be transformed into a filmic swan by a skilled editor." I doubt we will achieve a swan but a non-ugly duckling will satisfy me greatly.