Tuesday 20 March 2012

Thank you Harrison Ford.

I remember David C mentioning that Harrison Ford likes to know something about the characters he plays that the audience doesn't. I liked this notion so when giving my actors a brief for Sunday I incorporated it in. Regarding dialogue in the script I've said to the actors that I'm happy for them to improvise to keep a sense of realism and spontaneity to the atmosphere. If watching teen movies has taught me one thing (and it probably is just one thing I've learnt) it's that ANYTHING can happen.

Jennie is a 19 year old girl who is throwing a party while her housemates are away. She is doing this to make her best friend Chris happy. Jennie is easily persuaded into doing things for other people and wants to be liked. She is doing Business Studies at Kingston University and is in her first year. She is unconfident around new people she is using the party to make new friends. She hopes lots of people come to her party because she sees that is validation that she’s popular; she has neglected the consequences of this. Jennie only talks to Chris about her problems but often feels she doesn’t listen which makes her feel alone. She is usually very picky about herself (disliking her hair, weight, clothes etc.) but tonight she is feeling good and excited. The reasons for this are alcohol and the guy she fancies is coming to her party.
Random Fact – Jennie is a virgin.

Stranger is a 24 year old man who invited himself to the party when his colleague Dan mentioned it in passing. He is a serial rapist and carries rohypnol in liquid form on him at all times. He dislikes women because he was abandoned by his mother and raised by his bitter alcoholic father. He is intelligent and polite but easily upset by rejection. He likes to be in control and well planned. He finds young blonde girls very sexually attractive but is scared that they will reject him (like his mother) so he uses them for sex, which is often forced so he has complete control. He feels remorse for his victim’s abuse but the compulsion is to strong.
Random Fact – Stranger wants to get help but knows it will mean imprisonment.

Chris is a 19 year old girl has made her friend throw a party so she can sleep with the guy she fancies. Chris studies Fine Art at Kingston University. She still lives at home whilst at Uni because it is only a 45 minute commute. Chris is an only child and loves to be the centre of attention. She is confident and loud. She pretends she doesn’t care what people think of her but she does. She mothers Jennie and would do anything for her though she often neglects her when boys are around. Her bravado hides her sensitivity and she enjoys having a reputation as a good time girl and great fuck.
Random Fact – Chris is 8 weeks pregnant but hasn’t realised yet.